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Ever wanted to quickly share a screenshot, but don't want to use imgur, sign up for a service, or have your image tracked across the internet for all time?

Want to privately share some log output with a password, or a self-destructing cat picture?

Linx Screenshot

Linx is self-hosted file/media-sharing service, which features:

  • ✅ Display common filetypes (image, video, audio, markdown, pdf)
  • ✅ Display syntax-highlighted code with in-place editing
  • ✅ Documented API with keys for restricting uploads
  • ✅ Torrent download of files using web seeding
  • ✅ File expiry, deletion key, file access key, and random filename options

Linx Requirements


Already deployed:



Setup data locations

First we create a directory to hold the data which linx will serve:

mkdir /var/data/linx

Create config file

Linx is configured using a flat text file, so create this on the Docker host, and then we'll mount it (read-only) into the container, below.

mkdir /var/data/config/linx
cat << EOF > /var/data/config/linx/linx.conf
# Refer to for details
cleanup-every-minutes = 5

Linx Docker Swarm config

Create a docker swarm config file in docker-compose syntax (v3), something like the example below:

Fast-track with premix! 🚀

"Premix" is a git repository which includes necessary docker-compose and env files for all published recipes. This means that you can launch any recipe with just a git pull and a docker stack deploy 👍.

🚀 Update: Premix now includes an ansible playbook, enabling you to deploy an entire stack + recipes, with a single ansible command! (more here)

version: "3.2" #

    image: andreimarcu/linx-server
    command: -config /linx.conf
      - /var/data/linx/:/files/
      - /var/data/config/linx/linx.conf:/linx.conf:ro
        # traefik common
        - traefik.enable=true

        # traefikv1
        - traefik.port=8080     

        # traefikv2
        - "traefik.http.routers.linx.rule=Host(``)"
        - "traefik.http.routers.linx.entrypoints=https"
        - "" 

      - traefik_public

    external: true


Launch the Linx!

Launch the Linx stack by running docker stack deploy linx -c <path -to-docker-compose.yml>

Chef's notes 📓

  1. Since the whole purpose of media/file sharing is to share stuff with strangers, this recipe doesn't take into account any sort of authentication using Traefik Forward Auth

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Employ your chef (engage) 🤝

Is this too much of a geeky PITA? Do you just want results, stat? I do this for a living - I'm a full-time Kubernetes contractor, providing consulting and engineering expertise to businesses needing short-term, short-notice support in the cloud-native space, including AWS/Azure/GKE, Kubernetes, CI/CD and automation.

Learn more about working with me here.

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